"Listen to the quiet voice"
This quote is from a pack of 100 cards Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt developed to catalyze the creative process.
Most of us have had some contact with this quiet voice because sometimes, just sometimes, it speaks for itself despite all our efforts to the contrary. It says yes to that exciting job offer even though it would mean moving the whole family and starting over again.
What if...
...you could listen to that voice more often? What if you could listen to it all the time? What if you never had to agonize over decisions again?
Some of the most magical and transcendent turns in my life were engineered when the quiet voice slipped through a crack in the firewall of my everyday reasoning mind. When I answered ‘yes’ when ‘no’ was the socially acceptable route.
Coaching has helped me tap into my own wisdom, make deeply authentic decisions and bring my relationships to a new level of honesty and fulfillment. I believe in the quiet voice, not just my own but everyone’s. We all have one and each quiet voice is uniquely suited to lead its person from a place of deep wisdom.
What is coaching?
a collaboration with a coach designed to help you reach your highest potential personally and professionally
A space in which to explore the life you yearn for; a way to steer towards that life one degree at a time
A practice that will make you self-sufficient while enabling you to seek support when and where you need it
A way to explore the profound creativity and wisdom of your quiet voice in order to bring those qualities into your everyday life, making it richer and more joyful
A focus on the present moment and the stories you tell yourself about what is or is not possible for you; an approach that can begin to rewrite those stories
What coaching is not:
Therapy, social work, trauma healing
Coaching can be very compatible with all of the above depending on your individual situation, but it cannot replace these other services.
My aim as a coach is to put myself out of business.

In a free consultation session, we will discuss your goals and decide on a schedule for achieving them. Unlike therapy, coaching is not open-ended, even though clients are welcome to return for single sessions after the completion of a package. My goal at the end of our work together is for you to have all the tools you need to make healthy, positive, life-affirming choices and to move toward your most improbable dreams with quiet, steadfast confidence.

Why I decided to become a coach
One of those times I said ‘yes’ when I thought the answer should be ‘no’
was when I was offered my first teaching position. I had no idea how to teach and no interest in it when I began. Little by little, though, the process began to intrigue me. The unexpected thing was that I was not actually teaching, I was helping people get out of their own way so that they could learn according to their own natural inclinations. It was my first experience coaching, although I didn’t call it that. Every student showed me a different aspect of lessons that needed to be unlearned. It gradually dawned on me that I was more interested in helping people unlearn than helping them learn; with each experience, it became more and more obvious to me that people know how to learn intuitively when they are free of their limiting beliefs.